Bot Camp Presents “Statikk”

With VEX Worlds quickly approaching, Bot Camp is proud to present our 2019 VEX IQ teaching exemplar robot “Statikk”. As part of our educational programs, our staff produce an exemplar robot for teaching our students with. This is NOT a competition robot. It is never given to our students to compete with, but we use it extensively to teach students important robot design concepts, so they can build their own competition robots.

We won’t claim “Statikk” is the best robot in the VEX IQ world, but it has served as a great example of design, programming, simplicity and our team principles. It’s also still a pretty good robot, that uses a modest number of parts, employing a simple design that beginners at home can recreate.

The robot employs a double-jointed arm, and is capable of playing all aspects of the game. Namely, removing hubs from the posts, acquiring and dragging hubs into scoring position, stacking hubs, and hanging. With enough time and skill, the robot itself is capable of obtaining a realistic maximum score for the Next Level VEX IQ Challenge.

The design (SnapCAD) and programming (RobotC) files for the robot freely downloadable below. We hope you can learn as much from our exemplar as our students did!

UNIQUE: Builds energized stacks
“Statikk” (right) and SK Creations – VIQ 85129A (left) run a practice match together

Download RobotC
Download SnapCAD